ALMAY says this product's "Soft, shimmering shades ... wear comfortably for up to 12 hours, even through meals." I'm here to tell you -- it's true! I swiped the lip gloss over my lips, very proud of the hue. After a few minutes, I applied the accompanying gloss. I heart this gloss. It's completely clear, so it doesn't affect the color of your lips and it's just the right amount of slick/sticky/smooth.
However, about midway through my afternoon.... my tune changed. The color did stay through my lunch and drinks throughout the afternoon... as promised. Around 2:00 p.m., I glanced at my reflection in my compact and noticed I a weird rim around my lips. The product was not meshing at the interior line of my lips -- ya know, where the dry outside of the lip meets the moist inside of my mouth. It was a strange caking of the product. I tried to rub it off, but that didn't work so well. All I could really do was add more lip gloss. Since it's clear, it didn't really camouflage anything. I eventually put a colored gloss on top to mask it. (unsuccessfully)
The problem only got worse that night when I took off my makeup. I washed my face with my normal cleanser. My lips were still bronzed. I used the oil-based, eye makeup remover pads they recommend. They were still colored. I took a wet bath cloth and scrubbed vigorously. Although this worked as a wonderful lip plumping method, I wouldn't recommend it unless you're a glutton for punishment.
Defeated and tired, I gave up and went to bed... resolving to try again the next morning. After a shower filled with multiple cleanings... that crap was still on my lips. ALMAY promised 12 hours of long-lasting color, but come on -- we're working on 24 hours now! I topped it off with some towel scrubbing and eventually covering it up with makeup. (This was way worse than my Bordeaux-colored and stained lips from when I tried the Just Bitten.)
I tried the product a few more times with the same result every time. However, it remained something that was always in my purse. --- Why, you ask? --- Because of the amazing clear gloss. If they sold it separately, it'd be worth the money. However, the product, as a whole, is not worth your money unless you never want your lips to change color and you enjoy the caking. If you want to attempt this product, despite my warning, please read the company's Tips & Techniques.

Overall, I'd pass on this lip duo.